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compiled by Barnaby Carver

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Cave Traverse V8 (6c) Helman Tor Painful crimp traverse on gently overhanging wall of cave. John Fletcher 2002  None Many sharp small holds
Moves Me

V8 (6c)

Helman Tor

Climbs powerfully up a rounded nose on slopers.

Chris Hall 2005


Feels desperate or impossible depending on conditions!
Pond Wall
(with sit-start)

V7 (6b/c)

Carn Brea

Soggy-bottom start into a knee-bar and rounded top-out.

Andy Whall 2006


The original stand-start problem V6 (6b), established by Chris Hall in 2001, has seen a number of repeats.
(with sit-start from below and left)

V7 (6b/c)

Carn Brea

A long reach across a roof to gain a small flake and hard rockover finish.

Andy Whall 2004


Yep V6 (6b) from standing, first done by John Fletcher in 2001, is an innocuous looking but hard problem with a number of variations.
Blown Away V7 (6b) Carn Brea A long low-traverse on sloping holds to a hand-jam finish. John Fletcher 2001 Bob Lambourne, Andy Steinberg. A hard extension to an old problem of Bob Lambourne’s named Swept Away.
Injected Persistence V9 (6c) North Cliffs Blind slap moves into sloping finger-pockets. Dave Biggs 2005 Barnaby Carver This problem is located on the north coast near The Wave. On a par difficulty-wise with many of the area’s V8s.On a par difficulty-wise with many of the area’s V8s.


V9 (7a) Godrevy, Cornwall. A tricky problem up an
overhanging, rounded nose
with long stretches between
poor holds.
James Pearson,
None Given a Font. grade of 7c by its first ascentionist. The V grade is an approximate conversion.
Providence V10/11 (7a) Godrevy, Cornwall Powerful slap moves up an overhanging arête to a hard dynamic finish.
Dave Biggs 2006
James Pearson. The original provisional grade is the one listed. The repeat ascentionist suggested a grade of Font. 7c (V9/10).
Le Temp Passé
(a.k.a. L.T.P.)
V7 (6b/c) Godrevy
Powerful crimp moves on an overhanging wall. Andy Whall 2002 More than 5 Listed as V6 (6b) on ‘Gone West’.
Le Temp Passé Left V8 (6c) Godrevy
Hard moves left from a common starting hold lead to a crimpy, reach finish. John Fletcher or Andy Whall 2002 One A lower, harder start to a long-standing problem. Some confusion over who got there first!
Beachball V7 (6c) Godrevy
An eliminate sit-start problem based on an arête. Andy Whall 2001 None Can often become buried under high sand/pebbles.
Big Red V7 (6b) Godrevy
Climbs through a roof on finger pockets before swinging to a jug and making a long finishing move. Possibly Barnaby Carver 2006 None A recently completed project that has seen a number of attempts by both Chris Hall and Barnaby Carver. However, may have been climbed before in part (if not entirely) by Bob Lambourne and John Burgess.
Piss Pot V7 (6b/c) Godrevy
Difficult move on crimps to a feet-off campus finish. Possibly Andrew Pedley 2000 Andy Whall, Chris Hall, John Burgess, Barnaby Carver.
An estimated first ascent date. Named much later.
Ur Hot V8 (6c) Godrevy
Very hard moves through a roof to a tricky top-out. Chris Hall 2005 Barnaby Carver, Dave Biggs, Tom Maylam. A new low start to an older jump-start problem possibly called ‘Ineden’ by some.
Crab Crawl V7 (6b) Godrevy
Lip traverse on slopers. John Fletcher 2001 Chris Hall. ‘Johnny Fletch’ put it up so it’s probably flippin’ ‘ard!
Pockets Into Trigonometry V7 (6b) Godrevy
Thin moves into a big dyno. John Fletcher 2001 Andy Whall. A lower start to an existing problem.
Perfect Evening Light V7 (6b) Godrevy Lovely hard moves along a rounded handrail. James Strongman 2002 John Fletcher, Chris Hall, Andy Whall, Dave Biggs, Barnaby Carver, Tom Maylam. Thought to be V6 (6b) by some especially if you know the trick!
Snorkel V? (6b/c) Man’s Head
A hit-or-miss dynamic problem. Andy Whall 2003 Barnaby Carver. Varying sand levels can drastically reduce this problem’s difficulty and make it hard to grade accurately.

The Minitower Traverse (a.k.a. Three Egyptians)

V7 (6b) Man’s Head
A 14-metre long power-stamina traverse on crimps and finger pockets. Barnaby Carver 2002 None A three star problem if you like that sort of thing!
Barrel of Laughs V7/8 (6c) Clodgy Point,
A designated sit-start move under a boulder leads powerfully to an easier finish. Andy Whall 2006 Chris Hall, Barnaby Carver. Difficult to grade and the dynamic crux-move is very hard to get wired.
Bloodlust Original V8 (6c) Clodgy Point
A logical right-hand variation on the arête of ‘Bloodlust’ V6 (6b). Andy Whall 2004 Barnaby Carver. Long reaches on thin crimps.

Salad Fingers

V8 (6c) Clodgy Point
Two classic problems, Uluru V5 (6b) and Boomerang V7 (6c), connected via a series of sloper-groping moves. Andy Whall 2006 Barnaby Carver. Warm conditions can make holding the slopers very hard.


V7 (6c) Clodgy Point
Crimps on an overhanging sit-start lead to a sloper-slapping top-out. Andy Whall 2001 More than 5 Clodgy’s most famous problem and star of bouldering film ‘Gone West’!
Work in Progress V8 (6c) Clodgy Point
A low traverse of the Boomerang wall below the level of the lip. Barnaby Carver 2004 None A technical sequence of moves.
Andy’s Link-up V6/7 (6b) Clodgy Point
A V5 (6b) traverse linked into a V4 (6a/b) finish. Barnaby Carver 2004 None The finish is hard when tired.
Foreign Affairs V7 (6c) Zennor Hill

Sit-start to slopers and slap over the top.
Chris Hall 2005 None Home to some sharp crystals.
Agony Aunt V6/7 (6b)
Zennor Hill A low traverse along a thin horizontal seam. Chris Hall 2005 None The name is appropriate!
Dreckly V7 (6b) Bosworlas
A long link-up traversing
left-to-right along a break
into Andy Whall’s problem
Peroxide Wall Traverse
V6 (6b).
Dave Henderson,
None One for Dartmoor




Steep pulls onto an overhanging boulder.

Sven Scholz 2003

Barnaby Carver. Very bold.

Last Try





Technical wall climbing. Slightly high.

Heike Arnold 2003

Michael Scholz, Barnaby Carver
A fine problem that’s harder for shorter climbers.

Mr. Wonder 1
(with sit-start)




Roof climbing.

Sven Scholz 2003

Michael Scholz, Barnaby Carver. Slightly gritty rock.


7a+ (7b+ with sit-start)



Blunt edge.

Sven Scholz or Heike Arnold 2003

Andy Whall, Barnaby Carver. (Both standing start only.) Bad landing.





Small holds lead over a low bulge.

Sven Scholz 2003


Dave Henderson, Andy Whall, Barnaby Carver. Easier for the tall.
Evil Weasel 7c+ Gwynver Intensely powerful if done with the original start. Eliminate. Sven Scholz 2003 Michael Scholz Has been done with various starts by different people but the original designated start (necessary for shorter climbers) has only had one repeat.

Double Beach Bed




Climbs a big roof starting from the back. Essentially a hard boulder problem start to ‘The Alamo’ (Very Severe 5c) a John Hooper route from 1999 which starts by stepping off a boulder to gain the lip. Sven Scholz 2003 None Often damp and with a bad landing.

Cream Tea
(with sit-start)



An eliminate arête problem.

Sven Scholz or Heike Arnold 2003

Barnaby Carver, Dave Biggs, Sam Arkle.

Possibly over-graded.




A technical wall with a tricky crux move.

Sven Scholz 2003

Barnaby Carver.

A hold on this has broken, slightly changing the problem.

Dental Fracture



A lip-traverse on slopers.

Sven Scholz or Heike Arnold 2003


A tad pumpy!

White Wedding V8/9 (6c) Sennen,
A long traverse from ‘Sinner’s Route’ to ‘Overmarked’. Mark Edwards 2000 None Sequency crux on tiny holds. The V-grade is an approximate guess.




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